Does your sink stink? Rotten or foul odors can indicate a plumbing problem. Whether the unpleasant aroma comes from your kitchen or your bathroom drain, take a look at the questions you need to ask right now.
What Does the Sink Smell Like?
There are a variety of possible reasons for the not-so-sweet smell. When you call the plumber, the expert may ask what the smell reminds you of. While smell identification won't solve your problem, it's a first step towards the right type of repair.
Common sink smells include:
Rotten eggs.
This smell could result from the obvious-rotten eggs. But in most cases, a sulfur like smell is the result of gas created by bacteria breeding in the drain. This typically happens with a clogged drain or improper plumbing venting.
If your kitchen sink doesn't clear adequately or the garbage disposal doesn't work correctly, food waste may remain in the drain. This can result in backups and odors.
Musty odor.
A musty odor may signal mold growth. A leak can cause mold growth on a pipe, under the sink, or in the surrounding area.
Don't let a sink smell go. Unless the culprit is a dirty dish or obviously rotten food, the next step is a job for a professional plumber.
Where Does the Smell Come From?
Not only are there several sink smells, but there are also several different possible odor-releasing areas. The plumber will need to know where the smell comes from in order to start the diagnostic process. Sinks smells often come from:
The drain.
A clog or food stuck in a kitchen drain can cause serious smells. As organic matter decays it releases an unpleasant (often sulfur-like) scent.
The garbage disposal.
A broken or ineffective garbage disposal allows food to sit in your sink. This results in bacterial growth and an odd odor.
The hot water heater.
The smell may not come from the sink itself. A problem with your hot water heater can cause an odor every time you turn on the tap. If the hot water heater is to blame, contact a plumber for a repair or replacement.
The water.
The hot water heater isn't the only possible cause of a smell from the tap. Hard water or contaminated water (from the municipal source) is a possible cause.
Under the sink.
Again, mold on a pipe or inside of a vanity cabinet can also cause an unpleasant or musty odor.
The main sewer.
The smell in your sink may come from much deeper in your home's drainage system.
Are you unsure of the precise location of the smell? The plumber can inspect the sink, find the problem area, and recommend a repair. Read on for more information on possible what to do next.
What Is the Next Step?
Even though the smell might seem serious, it's possible the plumbing problem is minor. After you identify the odor and the possible location of the smell:
Contact the plumber.
If you haven't already called the expert, now is the time to do so. Drain clogs, garbage disposal issues, hot water heater failure, and other possible problems aren't repairs for a novice or the homeowner to make.
Discuss options.
Replacement or expensive repairs aren't always the best route to take. Discuss the best options for your sink's specific problem. If the plumber does feel a replacement is warranted, this can save you money on future repairs.
Schedule service.
An immediate repair or replacement is ideal. The longer you wait to fix the problem, the worse the smell may get. A stinky sink can quickly turn into a foul-smelling first floor.
It's possible you may still notice a post-repair smell. If the odor persists, clean the sink area and flush the drain with hot water.
Does your sink smell? Contact Roto-Rooter
for more information.
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